Namaste, iam Emma Grustas, I hope you have the best day today.
Can I Put An Orchid In Potting Soil? [Solved]
Gardeners new to orchid growing soon realize that healthy orchids don’t grow in regular potting soil. It’s too dense, doesn’t drain thoroughly enough, and most orchids actually grow in the air—the medium is just there to give the roots something to cling to.9 Sept 2022
Orchids Can Grow in Potting Soil And Cleaning From Scales
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened the roots,. They were all healthy and had lots of new roots. Links To My Social Media: …
can you plant orchids in potting soil (Orchids for Dummies)
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10 Orchids you can Plant in Soil! - Orchid Care Tips for Beginners
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