Sup, iam Adria Monroe, May your day be joyful.
Can Commander Decks Be Over 100 Cards? [Solved]
How many cards are in a MTG Commander deck? A Commander deck is 100 cards and you can’t have more than one of any card that isn’t a basic land. That means it’s a little bit harder to try and optimise than most formats, but that’s also a big part of its charm.9 Oct 2020
MTG Market Watch: Warhammer 40K Commander Decks Push Card Prices and More
In this episode of the Magic the Gathering Market Watch we see the impact that the Warhammer 40K
Tutorial: Better Shuffling Magic: The Gathering Commander Decks (and any other cards!)
Learn how to mash shuffle
Warhammer 40k Commander Decks - Magic The Gathering EDH Gameplay
Joined by some friends - some new to Magic whilst others are grizzled veterans; we descend into the 41st millennium - for in the …