Greetings, iam Marvin Larock, I hope today is better than yesterday.
Are 4 Aces Rare? [Solved]
Chances of getting four Aces in 5-Card Draw: 1 in 54,145 hands on average. Chances of getting any four of a kind in Hold ‘Em: 1 in 4,165 hands on average. Chances of getting pocket Aces in Hold ‘Em: once every 221 hands on average.
Top 5 Poker FOUR OF A KIND Hands EVER! (Poker QUADS)
If you are reading this, comment the most money you won with poker quads! In this poker video, we are bringing a poker …
The Four Aces - Rare Clips: 90 minute Video Montage
Great archive footage from the
Tony G Flops Royal Flush Aussi Millions
Tony G has royal flush at the aussi millions.